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HECC 2023
20 Dec: A Community – HECC 2023 Review

Eric reviews the 2023 Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators 2023 Conference. There’s more to this conference than just vendor booths and breakout sessions – there’s a community dedicated to educators.

Small boy reading a book.
13 Dec: Fact Feeds Fiction (Part 2)

Colette continues her “Fact Feeds Fiction” series. This month she shares pairings with the classic “Hatchet” as well as fiction & and non-fiction books which would work well in middle school social studies.

Two high school students discuss their research topics together.
06 Dec: Focusing on Growth over Grades

GPA. Class rank. College honors admission. How do we help students change the narrative and focus on growth over grades? Ashley Johnson shares ideas from her northern Indiana high school classroom.

Teachers and students standing in a classroom.
01 Dec: Connecting & Communicating with Parents

Communicating with students’ caring adults is critical, and, in the world of special education, it is even more true. Nicolette Lesniak shares a number of benefits in building the home-to-school connection.

Student posing for a picture, while seated at her desk.
29 Nov: “How Can I Help?”

Instructional Assistants are sometimes overlooked for the role they play in classrooms. Angie Wiggins shares her approach to partnering with the classroom teachers she interacts with each day.

Little girl writing on paper.
17 Nov: Supporting Our Youngest Learners

Kristin Parisi highlights great information available to Early Learning Professionals through the new Indiana Early Learning Standards, and she shares a pot of gold of resources available as well!

Dogs pulling a sled.
10 Nov: Obstacles into Opportunities

While most admit there is always room for improvement, actually making the needed changes isn’t always met with positivity. Tim Daugherty shares some thoughts on how to shift the thinking from obstacles to opportunities.

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