We are Indiana’s Learning Community.
Together, with creative contributions from educational leaders across our state, Keep Indiana Learning is transforming the face of professional learning. The result? Relevant, engaging, and equitable learning opportunities for all Indiana students.
In partnership with the Educational Service Centers of Indiana, KInL is supported by educational stakeholders across the state. Keep Indiana Learning (KINL) was launched as a department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) in 2020 as another of its innovative programs and services that enhance academic achievement and operational efficiencies.
The Keep Indiana Learning community creates a space where educators can connect and learn from peers. It’s a learning experience by Indiana educators, for Indiana educators. The landscape of education is changing. Now, more than ever, our collective teacher voice needs to be used and heard.

Courtney spent 17 years working in public, private, and public charter schools. She has been a classroom teacher in grades 1-6 and 7th and 8th grade mathematics. She has also worked as an instructional coach and administrator and taught elementary math methods at Indiana University Indianapolis for seven years. Courtney has an M.A. in Educational Policy and Politics and an MEd in Educational Leadership from Teachers College at Columbia University. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate at Indiana University in Mathematics Education. Courtney is determined to change the narrative of admitting that one is not a “math person” by inspiring teachers to teach ambitiously – and maybe even have a little fun while doing so.

Before joining CIESC, Lena served as a District Technology Integration Specialist, elementary and secondary School Library Media Specialist, and College and Career Academy Coordinator. She is an ISTE Certified Educator, Google Certified Trainer, and Canvas LMS Edvocate.

Martie Hoofer earned her Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and her Master’s degree from Ball State University. She was a technical trainer for USA Group and Sallie Mae for 12 years. She also taught middle school reading and writing for 12 years.

Erin McNeill is a Professional Learning Specialist for Keep Indiana Learning, a department of Central Indiana Educational Service Center. Erin spent sixteen years in the classroom as an English Language Arts and English as a New language teacher and coordinator and two years as a member of the Literacy, Culture, and Language Education department at Indiana University, where she trained preservice teachers.

Jessica has been in the field of education since 2008. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Butler University and received her Elementary/Middle School Math Specialist Master’s Degree from Ball State. Prior to joining the CIESC, Jessica served as an elementary classroom teacher, STEM Teacher/Coach, and Instructional Coach.

Morgan Mason earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Ball State University and her Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Butler University’s EPPSP program. She has served as a grade 1, 3, and 4 classroom teacher and an instructional coach.

Ryan Murray has been working in education since 2010 with a consistent focus on mathematics, science, and integrated STEM. He is committed to the development of integrated STEM throughout Indiana schools by focusing on the intentional use of technology, issues of equity within the STEM pipeline, and providing access to inquiry for all learners.

Samantha Vidal has been a school counselor in Indiana for over 15 years. She started her career as a high school counselor before spending seven years as an elementary school counselor and another seven years at the middle school level. Samantha has devoted her career to advocacy for the profession and servant leadership. She served on the Board of Directors for the Indiana School Counselor Association for over 10 years and on the Board of Directors for the American School Counselor Association for three years.

Amanda is a licensed school counselor, with past experience as a school counselor, counselor educator, and state school counseling specialist. She has presented at the regional, state, and national levels and is devoted to equipping school and community professionals to better serve students. Amanda earned her Master of Science degree in Educational Studies, with a specialization in School Counseling, from Purdue University.

Erin Brown is a 16-year veteran of public education in Indiana. During this time, she has served elementary students and teachers in grades K-12. She has been a fifth-grade, sixth-grade, and second-grade Classroom Teacher, a K-8 Interventionist, and an Instructional Coach.

Karen Smith has been in the field of education since 2004. She started her career as an elementary classroom teacher before spending 4 years as an elementary instructional coach, 3 years as district lead instructional coach, and finally director of curriculum and instruction for K-12. Most recently, Karen served as a professional development specialist in which she supported teachers through targeted professional development in analyzing and using data intentionally, and effective use of curriculum resources.
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Stephanie Woods has received her Bachelor’s degree in elementary education as well as a Bachelor’s in speech language pathology. She earned her Master’s degree in literacy from American College of Education. She has served in public and private schools from PreK to sixth grade. Following the classroom, Stephanie worked as a reading specialist and MTSS coordinator specializing in students at-risk for dyslexia and high-ability.