How well do your assessments align with what you’ve asked students to do in the classroom? Aligning the Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) of assessments with the D.O.K. of teaching is an important part of the process.
Now that you understand what Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) is and isn’t and you know there are no quick answers or graphics to categorize according to the 4 levels, what might you do next?
CIESC/Keep Indiana Learning has been awarded a $2.6 million Indiana Department of Education’s Student Learning Recovery Grant! We are thrilled to announce a grant partnership with Modern Classroom Project (MCP), CELL/UIndy, Region 8 ESC, NIESC, and NWIESC.
Jamboard is Google´s new kid in town! The program is designed to be a collaborative whiteboard. It’s like putting a Promethean board at every student’s fingertips.
I fondly remember my first purpose-driven experience that exposed elementary students to Computer Science through Code.org’s Hour of Code.
As an educator, I am happy to grab tools that help simplify my work and (hopefully) save me time. In fact, making those tools is something I myself love to do! As such, I have collected several versions of graphics that put verbs into categories to support educators in their attempt to determine the Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) of a task.
Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.): What is it? Why does it matter? Why has it been added to the already full plates of educators? To be honest, I didn’t really give D.O.K. much credit.
Design Thinking is a concept that has danced around my head for a few years now. It doesn’t have its origins in education, but as I’ve learned about it, I’ve discovered just how intrinsically connected it is to what we do.
“I’m just so exhausted!” The end of the school year has always been filled with mixed emotions, but this has been a year like no other.
Teachers. We see you. This has been a very challenging year for you all. It might even be tempting to chalk it up to the worst year ever.
When asked to reflect on your favorite teachers during your school-career, you may be more inclined to remember teachers who spent time getting to know you than teachers who strictly taught content.
Indiana teachers work tirelessly to spark students’ imagination and empower them as learners, all while wearing the weight of a 1,000 hats. However, many of our projects and activities that worked pre-COVID are a no-go now due to social distancing, students being fully virtual, or having an endless combination of in-person, remote, and quarantined students.