Colette continues her “Fact Feeds Fiction” series. This month she shares pairings with the classic “Hatchet” as well as fiction & and non-fiction books which would work well in middle school social studies.
Hannah wraps up her series on Embracing Black Hair. In this final installment, she shares information on the CROWN Act and visuals of different hair styles to help educators connect with students.
GPA. Class rank. College honors admission. How do we help students change the narrative and focus on growth over grades? Ashley Johnson shares ideas from her northern Indiana high school classroom.
Communicating with students’ caring adults is critical, and, in the world of special education, it is even more true. Nicolette Lesniak shares a number of benefits in building the home-to-school connection.
Instructional Assistants are sometimes overlooked for the role they play in classrooms. Angie Wiggins shares her approach to partnering with the classroom teachers she interacts with each day.
Kristin Parisi highlights great information available to Early Learning Professionals through the new Indiana Early Learning Standards, and she shares a pot of gold of resources available as well!
English teachers love to tell reluctant readers they just haven’t found the right book yet. Kelsey Koeneman has an engaging way to expose her high school students to a wide variety of texts.
While most admit there is always room for improvement, actually making the needed changes isn’t always met with positivity. Tim Daugherty shares some thoughts on how to shift the thinking from obstacles to opportunities.
How can you move from “trauma informed” to “trauma responsive”? Kyle Miller has 3 simple questions which can make a difference in your interactions with students & adults alike.
“Book study” and “CTE class” might not be a combination typically put together. Ashley Johnson shares strategies which have left her students begging for more book studies.
Sessions with an Instructional Coach can be profoundly impactful, or they can be a waste of time. #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Jonathan Winslow has 10 tips to help ensure everyone’s time is well spent!
MTSS – a string of letters every educator hears regularly. #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Sandy Goehring provides an introduction to how MTSS can enhance a student’s learning.