Colette Huxford-Kinnett wraps up her Fact Feeds Fiction series by exploring two topics. The possibilities for deep dives like these are practically endless.
Vocuabulary is a part of every content area at every grade level. Stephanie Woods explores how it can also be a part of phonics instruction.
While most admit there is always room for improvement, actually making the needed changes isn’t always met with positivity. Tim Daugherty shares some thoughts on how to shift the thinking from obstacles to opportunities.
Reading aloud to students is typically enjoyable for all involved. However, there’s a way to sneak in a little more learning as Stephanie Woods shares.
Carrie Wisehart realized her juniors would be as bored as she was with the next research project. How did she breathe life into it? Relevance!
Morgan wraps up her 2 part series on the distinct phases the brain moves through as it is learning to read.
Educator Ashley Johnson spent a portion of her summer in Italy. She brough home more than simple souvenirs – she retuned home with mental shifts which will impact her classroom. They might change yours too!
Learning to read is not magic. The brain is moving through distinct phases as it acquires the skill of reading. Morgan breaks down the first 3 phases in part 1 of this series.