An Introduction to Our Tactic Teams, Expert Networks, and Connect Networks

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An Introduction to Our Tactic Teams, Expert Networks, and Connect Networks

Written by: Keep Indiana Learning

October 3, 2022

Keep Indiana Learning is a collaborative effort to develop and provide easy-to-access, high-quality professional learning for educators across Indiana. Our community cultivates a space for professionals with a desire to transform the landscape of education, aiming to remove all barriers to equitable, engaging learning experiences—for educators, leaders, and families. We provide a positive learning experience that is fostered by Indiana educators for Indiana educators. We accomplish this with guidance from our Tactic Teams, Expert Networks, Connect Networks, and creative contributions from state and national educators, practitioners, researchers, and thought leaders.

Meet Our Tactic Teams

Members of our Tactic Teams serve as key connectors and content creators for our shared learning environment. The purpose of these Tactic Teams is to generate ideas, provide feedback, advise when needed, and share information to guide the creation of free and paid professional development content offered at CIESC and Keep Indiana Learning. The Tactic Teams are ever-evolving to meet the needs of various Indiana educators, students, and families.

Our two key Tactic Teams— Teaching & Learning and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Access —meet quarterly throughout the school year to assess learning needs and create action plans to respond appropriately. The Teaching & Learning team’s focus areas include instruction, curriculum & assessment, and leadership & culture. The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access team’s focus is to examine all Keep Indiana Learning opportunities through an equity lens.

Keep Indiana Learning is always looking to expand our collaborative network of educators, student service professionals, leaders, community partners, and families. Interested in learning more about joining one of our Tactic Teams? Contact us today!

Meet Our Expert Networks

Have questions? Leave it to the experts! Our Expert Networks are the thought leaders, influencers, and key content providers in the focus areas to guide practice and support education across Indiana. These networks meet regularly to define the current needs and challenges in education, brainstorm solutions, and implement actions to administer ongoing support.

Counselor Connect

The Counselor Connect Expert Network is a district-led and championed community of practice. Our network offers high-quality professional development, resources, and support for Student Service Professionals to foster the delivery of equitable, accessible, and data-informed services to students in the areas of academic, postsecondary, and social-emotional learning.

Math Connect

Math Connect is a community of practice dedicated to collaborating with organizations around the state to serve Indiana educators through providing quality professional learning opportunities, ongoing support, and resources. This network gathers the collective expertise of higher ed institutions, state math organizations, district and school leaders, and expert practitioners. The focus areas of Math Connect include content knowledge, effective teaching practices, critical thinking & problem solving, and real-world application.

As an Expert Network, Math Connect supplies Keep Indiana Learning with abundant resources that promote ambitious and equitable math teaching. These resources include but are not limited to vetted classroom curricula materials and activities, recommended readings, instructional leadership cadres, opportunities to engage with other educators on the teaching and learning of mathematics, and the new podcast Math and Other Things. Brought to you by Math Connect, Math and Other Things features Professional Learning Specialist Courtney Flessner as she explores mathematical concepts with educators and educational thought leaders and questions how they apply mathematics to real-world scenarios.

STEM Synergy

STEM Synergy is a STEM-centric community of practice committed to fostering the delivery of data-informed services, including an array of high-quality professional development and resources. In addition, STEM Synergy supports STEM-focused districts, programs, and organizations in an endeavor to produce a combined impact greater than the sum of separate STEM efforts. These endeavors include Indiana STEM Ecosystem, STEM School Certification, and Science Standards & Instruction.

Meet Our Connect Networks

Our Connect Networks—EdTech Connect, Special Ed Connect, Literacy Connect, and School Leader Connect—are responsible for connecting Indiana support organizations and educators in the focus area and collaborating on event and content development. In addition, each network reviews connections and evaluates potential new opportunities for underserved areas or regions.

Within the Connect Network are partner organizations, like-minded organizations, and support providers united in the mission of providing professional learning and constant support to educators within each focus area. These partner organizations serve on our Connect Network core coordinating team and collaborate with Keep Indiana Learning to expand, enhance, and elevate how the Connect Network provides services and outreach to the community.

EdTech Connect

EdTech Connect is a free and open collaborative support network for educational technology educators, leaders, and coaches across the state of Indiana. EdTech Connect seeks to provide a space for collaboration, networking, professional learning, and support. It is inclusive of all platforms and devices. EdTech Connect features a shared calendar of events across many partner organizations, including Indiana Connected Educators, Hoosier Education Computer Coordinators (HECC), as well as a directory of EdTech coaches, leaders, and practitioners across the state. The directory consists of not only contact information but key areas of expertise or interest to facilitate conversation, support, and opportunities for connection. Keep Indiana Learning will feature School Leader Connect events virtually and in person throughout the year to provide networking, support, and ongoing professional learning specific to technology in education.

Special Ed Connect

Special Ed Connect LogoSpecialEd Connect is a network that connects organizations and support providers specific to the needs of special education practitioners, leaders, and support staff. SpecialEd Connect features a shared calendar of events across multiple partner organizations, including the Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education (ICASE), PATINS Project, and IN*SOURCE Special Education Parent Support, as well as a directory of special education professionals statewide. The self-submitted directory serves to connect our focused community with other practitioners, leaders, and support staff across the state who are also serving in the Special Ed Connect focus area. On a regular basis, Keep Indiana Learning will feature SpecialEd Connect events both virtually and in person to provide networking, support, and continuous professional learning specific to special education practitioners, leaders, and support staff.

Literacy Connect

Literacy Connect LogoLiteracy Connect is a network that links the organizations and support providers specific to the ongoing literacy education work across the state of Indiana. Literacy Connect coordinates a shared event calendar across numerous partner organizations, including The Indiana Literacy Association (ILA), The Indiana State Literacy Association (ISLA), and the Reading League, as well as a directory of literacy-focused professionals across the state. Keep Indiana Learning will highlight Literacy Connect events virtually and in-person throughout the year to provide networking, support, and consistent professional learning specific to special education practitioners, leaders, and support staff.

School Leader Connect

School Leader LogoSchool Leader Connect is a network that connects the organizations and supports providers specific to the needs of school and district leaders. School Leader Connect features a shared calendar of events across many partner organizations, including the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI) and the Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP), as well as a directory of school leaders across the state. The directory consists of not only contact information but key areas of expertise or interest to facilitate conversation, support, and opportunities for connection. Keep Indiana Learning will feature School Leader Connect events virtually and in person throughout the year to provide networking, support, and ongoing professional learning specific to school leaders. Launching Fall 2023!

Stay Connected with the ICIA

ICIA LogoThe Indiana Curriculum and Instruction Association (ICIA) is a professional organization composed of educators interested in curriculum best practices, the latest research efforts, and networking with other professionals in similar roles.

ICIA meets monthly from September to April virtually. Each monthly topic is selected based on Indiana educational trends, research movements, and interests. ICIA strives to address the most current topics in education with guest speakers who prompt engaging, in-depth conversations. We encourage engagement from any educator interested in curriculum and instruction trends in Indiana.

Keep Indiana Learning is a Resource For Educators Statewide

Keep Indiana Learning offers nutrient-rich information to invest in personal development and sustain educators statewide. We work to break down barriers to equitable and engaging learning experiences for teachers and students alike.

We understand that education is very dynamic and that learning styles will vary. Fortunately, we offer complimentary resources to provide guidance to Indiana educators. These resources include informative Podcasts, our Home Grown Blog, an OnDemand library, DIY PD Guides, and more!

As you prepare your students for a lifetime of success, you may need some help along the way. Our resources are designed to help the highest number of students without a premium price tag. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.



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    Keep Indiana Learning was created to support educators by sharing resources and best practices in online and continuous learning activities for individual educators, schools and districts looking to design or refine remote learning plans.

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