STEM Synergy Celebrates National Robotics Week with Lisa Freed from iRobot

STEM Synergy Leadership Series: Facilitating a STEM-Centric Culture in PK-12 Schools (part 1)

STEM Synergy Leadership Series: Facilitating a STEM-Centric Culture in PK-12 Schools (part 3)

STEM Synergy Leadership Series: Facilitating a STEM-Centric Culture in PK-12 Schools (part 2)

STEM Synergy Q&A with IDOE

Roadmapping Your STEM Journey – a STEM Synergy event

STEM Synergy & Ecosystem – November convening

Science Textbook Caravan Prep with STEM Synergy

Working Smarter: Driving Employment Empowerment with Career Literacy and Networks (Feb. 2023)