Project Based Learning opens a whole new world of learning. Mike Gorman explores the Gold Standard of PBL & where you can learn more to be ready to implement PBL in the fall.
Kids love games. How do you combine games, with English class principles, with film making? William Bryant Rozier has a lesson ready to go!
Many students love movies. How can we bring that love into the classroom? Wm. Bryant Rozier breaks down the process for students to make films in any content areas using devices most use daily!
Makerspaces sound, and look, fun! What are the learning benefits to students?
A maker mindset engages students to collaborate, articulate, imaginate and create solutions that can’t be programmed into a machine…and which have the biggest impact on student attainment.
I remember the first time I found myself in a makerspace. I was at a conference and the organizers had erected a model makerspace to explore.