Sessions with an Instructional Coach can be profoundly impactful, or they can be a waste of time. #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Jonathan Winslow has 10 tips to help ensure everyone’s time is well spent!
Instructional Leadership
Every fall, a mighty army of new teachers marches into classrooms across the state. We are thankful for their presence, but are we supporting them well? Nikia Garland looks at the benefits of a teacher mentoring program.
Instructional coaches invest in other educators all day long. Karen Smith asks a great question – “but who is coaching the coaches?”
The Future-Focused Learning Series kicks off across Indiana next month! Destiny Starks explains the variety of options available to educators as they prepare to implement prioritized standards in a cohesive & forward-thinking framework.
The education world is filled with groups of people working towards similar goals. In a lighter moment, Ryan takes a moment to consider the groups and give them collective names.
Some view the research paper as a rite of passage. Adam explores a way to have students master the same standards in a more engaging way.
Keeping up with legislative changes is a challenge. Samantha highlights 10 it is critical for school counselors to be aware of this fall.
Modern Classrooms Project is striving to change the way teachers teach to make learning accessible for all students. Bo Gibson shares his experiences from implementing the Modern Classrooms approach in his high school classroom.
Laura continues her admin focused series by exploring intentional ways school leaders can connect with students. She provides a number of ready-to-use resources as well!