Social media provides a great space in which to build a virtual PLC! #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Nicole Nelson share advantages of using social media in this way & tips for cultivating your community.
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While most admit there is always room for improvement, actually making the needed changes isn’t always met with positivity. Tim Daugherty shares some thoughts on how to shift the thinking from obstacles to opportunities.
I sit here on the 4th of July, thinking about how different this holiday is for me from those prior. I’m a career teacher who retired a year ago, and I’m feeling all the emotions that the 4th brought to me.
Black Excellence: 30 Black Hoosier Profiles is a five-part series where educators will be provided with information about notable Black Hoosiers. Each part will cover six Hoosiers. This knowledge will work for Black History Month, throughout the school year, or for when students have to research a Hoosier.
We have much data at our disposal. Do we understand what we’re looking at? Are we asking the right questions?
Every fall, a mighty army of new teachers marches into classrooms across the state. We are thankful for their presence, but are we supporting them well? Nikia Garland looks at the benefits of a teacher mentoring program.
PLC. An acronym batted around daily in education. What does it REALLY mean? How do we do it well? Any why should we do this at all?