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math teacher writing on whiteboard
You Think You’re Not a Math Person? Neither Did I.

If you’ve ever sat in on a professional development session with me, you’ve heard my spiel, “From here on out, you’re a math person. Even if you feel you have no connection to mathematics, you need to channel your inner actor or actress and become a math person.

Two high school students discuss their research topics together.
Focusing on Growth over Grades

GPA. Class rank. College honors admission. How do we help students change the narrative and focus on growth over grades? Ashley Johnson shares ideas from her northern Indiana high school classroom.

At- Home Teaching
What We’ve Learned after Two Weeks of At-Home Learning

If I rewind back just four short weeks and one blink-of-an-eye day ago to March 12, I can remember that school day vividly. I was scheduled to host a community shadow from our Corporation Vision 2020. This is a program that has been in place for many years, where community members are invited to come into our schools and witness first-hand what is happening inside our walls. 

Two women posing for a picture.
Admin Help Admin: Communication

Administrators communicate with people from young students to superintendents to parents every single day. Assistant Principal Laura Christie has tips for doing it well.