Search Results "teacher evaluation"

woman dancing in a crowd
“Cooking Tips” for the Music Educator

I love to cook. For me, it is so satisfying to create something for the people I love to be able to enjoy and savor. When I cook, I tend to follow a recipe, so I can get just the right flavors and consistency. In looking at this upcoming school year, I have come to realize I follow a few tried and true recipes for teaching music as well.

Alma Academy screenshot
EdTech Hidden Gems for Indiana Schools — Alma

Schools across Indiana are back in session. In spite of the COVID Delta Variant causing so much upheaval, once the school day starts, there’s a familiar energy that’s combating the continued burden we’re all sharing.

Instructional Coaching
Things I Wish I Knew as a New Instructional Coach

Often Instructional Coaches work alone in a building which is very different from being a classroom teacher. Former Instructional Coach & current Keep Indiana Learning Professional Learning Specialist Jessica Miller shares lessons she learned from her coaching days.

PLConnect - Remote Learning Parents Perspective
The Reality of Remote Learning: A Parent’s Perspective

Ready or not, the way of learning, working and living has changed for many. Our employers expect us to work, while schools expect us to teach, and our children expect us to entertain them. The way we maneuver through this pandemic will look different for everyone. Here are a few ways I have learned to cope with the reality of becoming a full-time work from home mom…and now a teacher.

teacher helping student on a computer
Ma(th)2ink: My Journey to a Math Thinking Classroom

Let’s face it, although we should, we don’t recommend teaching careers to our best and brightest. If you are believed to have the aptitude to become a scientist, engineer, or doctor, then that’s what people tell you, and that’s where you try to go.