
PL Connect - Navigating FERPA COPPA and CIPA

Navigating FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA: What You Need to Know to Keep You and Your Students Safe

An unexpected box of Oreos, Doritos, Party Pizzas, and Peanut Butter M&M’s all make their way into my cart. Not one of these items was on my list and, while delicious, are not things that I’ll feel good about eating. We’ve all walked into the grocery store hungry and know that feeling of giving in to temptation all too well. In these uncharted times of remote learning, we are asked to design for learning and instruction in ways we’ve never done before, and because of this… We, as educators, are all very hungry.

PL Connect Blog - Visible Learning

Stop the Guessing Game: Implementing Visible Learning

Stop for a moment and ask yourself this question: When was the last time I took a risk? How you choose to define risk is entirely up to you, but I would venture to say that each of us has varying connotations of the meaning of the word.