At the start of every school year, a group of people who don’t know each other well enter a space to learn. Nine months later, this same group views themselves as a family. Carol Howard shares some of the intentional steps she takes to make this happen.
Whole Child
Creating a culture is an all-inclusive task. Beth Benedix shares how North Putnam High School has gone all in to create a welcoming space which motivates all who enter.
Small groups are a frequent and familiar Tier Two support strategy. Jessica Sullivan shares a few other ideas which could be implemented across grade levels to provide a variety of supports.
MidCon Keynote Speakers Jennifer Gonzalez & Rick Wormeli share the challenges of the middle years, but, more importantly, strategies and hopes for the future.
The Indiana Department of Education is proposing changes to changes to “rethink the high school experience, making it more learner-centric and career-relevant.” Learn more about the changes and how to provide feedback to the IDOE.
There is much work being done to reshape education and help prepare students for life after the classroom. Dr. Andrew Melin dives into a framework designed to build a coalition of stakeholders and a master plan to set students up for long-term success.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Rebekah Frazer shares resources & ideas for working mental health awareness into every classroom across the state.
Elementary school newspaper publisher Jim Jeffries wraps up his four-part series. He shares how he moves from a digital draft to issues in students’ take home folders.
School Counselors have a critical role in students’ lives. How do they show the impact they are having? Angie Ness dives into the 5 W’s of sharing school counseling data.
“What do you want to do when you grow up?” What a loaded question students face. Exploradoor gives students a risk-free way to explore career opportunities.