Home Grown Podcast

Season 3: Episode 10

Educator Wellness: Moving Beyond the Hot Cocoa Cart

Amanda Culhan with guest Jon Acton


the 4 C's of 3d printing in the classroom

Join Tim Wilhelmus, Keep Indiana Learning Digital Learning Coach, as he engages in a dynamic conversation about Digital Citizenship in the Post-Pandemic Classroom. Our premier episode is full of powerful insights from some of the EdTech world’s foremost thought leaders.

Featured Guests:

Merve Lapus – Vice President of Education, Outreach and Engagement for Common Sense Education

Diana Gill – Director of technology for East Porter County Schools in Northwest Indiana

KC Boyd – Librarian at Jefferson Academy in Washington DC

Kelly Gallagher – Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at St. John’s Prep, in Danvers, Massachusetts nd the Director of Education for Connect Safely

Podcast Full Transcript:

S1:Episode 1 Transcript

Podcast Resource Links:

Common Sense Education: https://www.commonsense.org/education/

Wide Open School: https://wideopenschool.org/

Educator Guides from ConnectSafely: https://www.connectsafely.org/educatorguides/

Parent Guides from ConnectSafely: https://www.connectsafely.org/parentguides/

Short & Printable Quick Guides: https://www.connectsafely.org/quickguides/

Quick Guides in Spanish: https://www.connectsafely.org/guias-rapidas-en-espanol/

Copyrighteous: A Catalyst for Creativity in the Classroom by Diana Gill: https://www.amazon.com/Copyrighteous-Creativity-Classroom-Diana-Gill/dp/1949595781



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