Search Results "jen stewart"

EdTech Tools blog
EdTech Hidden Gems for Indiana Schools

Finding the right tools to do our jobs as educators more effectively can seem an endless pursuit. For those of us who taught English, it may even be reminiscent of the rabbit hole from Alice in Wonderland, or make us appear to our administrators like Don Quixote on a mission.

Teacher teaching a student.
From RtI to MTSS – Building on the Basics

MTSS is a fairly new acronym to many educators, so we rewind a few years in the educational world to discuss some familiar items and where MTSS originated. We will discuss educational experts’ 4 Essential Questions, discuss the importance of PLCs, and dig a little deeper into the academic portion of MTSS. The blog is set up to help facilitate conversations in your building, and help develop a cohesive framework to put your MTSS strategies on paper.