Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana
Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana

Embark on an Exploratory Journey with TIE-IN: Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana!

Elevate your teaching and ignite your creativity with Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana (TIE-IN), an exclusive initiative designed to bridge the classroom with the dynamic world of industry. This pioneering program, brought to life through a partnership with the Indiana Department of Education, Central Indiana Educational Service Center, and the CIESC Keep Indiana Learning team, is open to all licensed Indiana educators, specifically PK-12 classroom teachers, counselors, media specialists, administrators and instructional coaches.


Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana

Explore and Engage

Immerse yourself in industries from advanced manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, performing arts, digital media, and so many more! You will gain first hand insights to enrich your curriculum and create future-focused learning experiences for your students.

Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana

Connect and Grow

Build lasting connections with industry leaders and educators, expanding your professional network and collaborative opportunities.

Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana

Create and Innovate

Develop a multimedia summary project which integrates your experiences into real-world applications for your students. Development will be supported by our dedicated Community of Practice, and final projects will be hosted in the IN Learning Lab.

Options for Exploration and Growth



Dive into industry courses from state universities which reflect the latest industry trends and content focused strategies.


One-on-One Teacher Experience

Customize your journey with a deep dive into a specific industry, enjoying a personalized externship experience.


Immersive Industry Experiences

Select from a diverse menu of single-day visits across Indiana, offering a broad view of multiple industries.

Community of Practice

Educators in the TIE-IN project will be invited to join a virtual Community of Practice hosted by Keep Indiana Learning specialists. These Community of Practice sessions will be tailored to the options educators have selected as their TIE-IN experience.

Those educators completing coursework will have the opportunity to gather and share their experiences with other educators completing coursework. Educators completing the two experience-based options will have support guiding them through the creation of the required multimedia summary project (see more below).

These Community of Practice sessions will support educators to work across content areas: literacy, math, Integrated STEM and science, and related arts. Each Community of Practice session will be a 60-minute Zoom meeting, focused on a key topic, offered at a variety of times during the experience to accommodate schedules.

Summary Project

As part of TIE-IN, educators who opt for the One-on-One Teacher Experience or Immersive Industry Experiences will create a summary project which will feature your reflection from the experience along with real-world application-based activities or lesson plans, destined for showcase in the IN Learning Lab, enhancing both personal and professional growth.

Enrollment and Benefits

  • Enrollment Period: June 10 – September 15
  • Availability: Exclusive to the first 500 educators
  • Costs and Stipend: All program costs are fully covered, with participants eligible to receive a stipend of up to $1000, varying by selected pathway.

Seize this opportunity to transform your teaching approach and make a lasting impact on your students with real-world knowledge and skills. Be one of the visionary educators to blend academic theory with practical industry insights.

Register for the Teacher Industry Experiences in Indiana PROGRAM!

With TIE-IN, embark on a journey where education meets innovation, supported every step of the way by experts dedicated to your success. Together, let’s prepare our students for the world beyond the classroom.

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