PLCs and data are staples in K-12 education. How about in early childhood learning? Kristin Parisi walks through the process her school used to implement this approach.
Tools that work in both synchronous & asynchronous settings are a challenge to find sometimes especially when layering in an LMS. Virtually Different Digital Learning Coach Nicole Nelson demonstrates the power and flexibility of Kami.
There are so many picture books to utilize in STEM classrooms for students of all ages. VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Jennifer Stewart highlights a few you could use this week!
Teacher evaluations are a part of every leader’s “to do” list, but they often move further & further down the list. Dr. Diane Whitlock has some tips for making this important task happen.
Educator Barnes is expanding the learning from the Black Excellence interview series! Explore these ready-to-use activities students of many grade levels can use.
As much as we long for a smooth path, change typically comes with bumps, roadblocks, and detours. Join Trudi Wolfe as she explores how her school handled these obstacles as they work to become a trauma-informed school.
Have you ever had trouble finding specific logos, color codes, or font styles used for your business? A style guide will help provide these assets quickly and efficiently on a single page of your website.
In June of 2022, Indiana adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Some may question why such a change was necessary. In this blog, Dr. Stacy Hootman speaks from her own experience as both a science student and a science teacher. She describes the Three Dimensions of the NGSS, where teachers can turn for resources on both a national and state level, and why this change is necessary for Indiana.
Students often love music and gravitate to anything with a good beat. How can you incorporate that love into writing? William Bryant Rozier does just that with his students, and he’s captured the process!