Embracing Black Hair – Final Installment

Embracing Black Hair – Part 2

I’m currently a Geography teacher at North Central High School (Indianapolis). I was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN and graduated from North Central in 2016. Upon graduation I took my love for History and Education and went to Indiana State University where I majored in Social Studies Education and minored in African and African American studies. During my time at I-State I was able to join a prestigious sisterhood through Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I graduated from Indiana State University in 2020(Go Trees) while we were all still in the middle of lockdown because of the pandemic. After leaving Terre Haute, I returned to Indianapolis where I took my first teaching job in Pike Township and was an 8th grade U.S. History teacher. My first three years of teaching were full of lessons, mentorship, love, and memories that will stay with me forever. My goal as an educator is to be a mentor for my students and build strong relationships beyond the classroom. My connections and bonds that I make with students is what keeps me going as an educator. I care about my students' education but also about the students' emotional and mental status and how I can get my students prepared to be active and amazing citizens in our world. I ensure this by truly allowing inclusivity to thrive in my classroom from fixing hair, watching my students’ sports highlights as a class when we have extra few minutes or even helping students prepare for their Quinceañera by playing music for five minutes and practicing Bachata. Immersing and embracing the cultures and dreams of my students in my classroom will impact my students way more than anything I teach in the classroom.
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