Erin Naylor is a Florida native, but a Hoosier at heart, living in Indiana most of her life. She is a 2006 graduate of IUPUI with a degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree in Language Education. Erin has worked for the MSD of Pike Township since 2007. After her first placement as a second grade teacher, she has taught third grade and Title I, and was also a STEM Specialist for the district. For the past two years, Erin has been an Instructional Specialist, where she spends her time working with Instructional Coaches and teachers in the district on effective teaching practices and professional development. Tim Davidson has been working in education for 25 years. He graduated from Marian University with a degree in Mathematics and later went on to obtain his Master’s degree in Learning and Technology. Tim spent much of his career at Project SEED, a national nonprofit mathematics organization. During this time, he traveled the state and country providing professional development to teachers in such areas as mathematics content and development, discovery teaching using a Socratic approach and lesson design. He now works with Pike Township Schools in Indianapolis as an Instructional Specialist where he works with Instructional Coaches and teachers on math instruction and engagement.
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