This last week our middle school had the very first dance of the year. Over 400 students showed up to conga, scream Miley Cyrus, and buy $20 worth of candy, popcorn, and pop. It was a blast. As I worked my way across the dance floor, I saw something I will never forget. Smack in the center of the middle school conga line was one of our paraprofessionals.
Mary was dancing, singing, and encouraging students to participate. She was having the time of her life. She could be retired, hanging out on the beach somewhere – but she continues to find joy in helping our students grow.
I could tell countless stories like this one, write hundreds of names on this page. Paraprofessionals who volunteer their time with teams, show up for registration, spend extra hours tutoring kids, follow difficult students from class to class, help with class work and homework. We often laud our teachers – which is needed and super important. But we also need to feature and compliment those who are behind the scenes making the magic happen.
Here are some ways to feature and compliment these special people:
1. Remember their special days.
I am all about writing cards for birthdays. If you keep all staff birthdays on your calendar, it’s easy to keep track. Write an intentional note for that person and have it hand-delivered during the school day. Birthdays matter!
2. Notice.
Keep your eyes open for the little things they might be doing that are often unnoticed. Write little notes – or more importantly – mention those things to teachers and others, raising their importance in the eyes of others. Sometimes people just need to know what others are doing so they can recognize it themselves.
3. Look them in the eye and say, “Thank you.”
Once, after a school event, a staff member told me they had never been thanked for helping out. Sometimes it’s just a simple “thank you” while looking them in the eye that means the most.
4. Give them leadership roles.
If a paraprofessional exhibits leadership qualities, give them opportunities to apply them. Watch for their strengths and capitalize on them. Use a strengths survey with your staff and utilize each one for their specific abilities in the community.
5. Don’t underestimate the power of presence.
It is easy as a leader to give your time to all of the teachers in the building – but don’t underestimate the power of being in spaces that classified staff members hang out in. I try and hang out behind the cafeteria lines and other places because all of my staff are just as important!
“Leaders need to create a space where EVERYONE on staff is seen as important to the climate and culture of the community.”
Leaders need to create a space where EVERYONE on staff is seen as important to the climate and culture of the community. The fact remains that everyone IS important, but administrators and educational leaders have the capacity to emphasize the importance of ALL. There are no roles that are “just” (fill in the blank here). I have been told MANY times, “I’m JUST a paraprofessional.” That language cannot be used or qualified with a response. No one is “just” in a school.
EVERYONE contributes to the value of a school culture – and paraprofessionals are a key part.
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