Keep Indiana Learning with Franklin Community Schools proudly presents the Building Thinking Classrooms Conference June 29-30, 2023!

Customized Professional Learning

The mission of Keep Indiana Learning is to support and serve all Indiana educators in their efforts to transform teaching and learning in their districts, schools, and classrooms.

Each district, school, and classroom in Indiana has unique needs, so at Keep Indiana Learning our team specializes in customizing professional learning to your needs. We work with you to determine what is the best mode of delivery (in-person, virtual, synchronous, asynchronous, coaching, observations, PLCs) then we use our content expertise in research-based best practices to build a professional learning plan to meet your unique situation.

The landscape of teaching and learning is constantly shifting, and an unknown future is a double-edged sword. Education today can be daunting with new research, techniques, and technology—but it also means we’re emerging into a moment of opportunity!

Our Pillars for Learning

The professional learning experts at Keep Indiana Learning can guide you safely through the journey as we all redefine what teaching and learning look like today and in the days to come. No one can do it alone, so we strive to innovate and create high-quality professional learning to anticipate and exceed the needs of Indiana educators to become their trusted partners in professional development.

As an organization that invests in educators to transform student learning, we are guided by four pillars in everything we do:

Math teacher explaining topic


All our professional learning content is grounded in current and field-tested educational research. Through thoughtful, on-going study of high-quality education and leadership research, we provide educators a solid foundation for informed instructional decision making.

High school students and teacher.


We are dedicated to collaborative relationships with educators, schools, and districts to create and provide job-embedded professional learning opportunities. We design professional learning that is authentic, sustainable, and high-impact.

Group of college students sitting at the table and reading a book together or looking for some information in a book


It is our on-going goal to create professional learning that models the use of a variety of data to direct efforts, measure impact, and refine practices. Encompassing teacher reflections, student work, learning impact, and success measurements, we can reflect, revise, and grow.

Students Technology E-learning Education Study School Concept


At the heart of our work is a respect and advocacy for learners so that all can receive excellence in education. We strive to progress our efforts through a continuous process of evaluation and self-analysis.

These pillars represent our core values and dedication to providing the best professional learning.

Areas of Expertise & Modes of Delivery

Each district, school, and classroom in Indiana has unique needs; that’s why our team takes the time to customize professional learning to fit your requirements in an engaging and meaningful way. We use our content expertise in research-based best practices to build a customized professional development plan to meet your specific situation.

Our process is simple and collaborative:


All our professional learning content is grounded in current and field-tested educational research. Through thoughtful, on-going study of high-quality education and leadership research, we provide educators a solid foundation for informed instructional decision making.


We are dedicated to collaborative relationships with educators, schools, and districts to create and provide job-embedded professional learning opportunities. We design professional learning that is authentic, sustainable, and high-impact.


It is our on-going goal to create professional learning that models the use of a variety of data to direct efforts, measure impact, and refine practices. Encompassing teacher reflections, student work, learning impact, and success measurements, we can reflect, revise, and grow.

Our full service professional learning team has a wide breadth and depth of knowledge that covers an expansive range of educational topics. If you need it, we likely know how to help. Below are some broad areas of expertise and modes of delivery we can provide.

Areas of Expertise

  • Curriculum: Mapping, alignment, assessment
  • Innovation, inquiry, and design
  • Instruction and high impact strategies
  • Leadership development
  • Professional learning communities
  • Student-centered, cognitively engaging lesson design
  • Teacher development

Modes of Delivery

  • Asynchronous
  • Blended
  • Coaching/feedback sessions
  • Hybrid
  • In-person
  • PLCs
  • Synchronous
  • Virtual

Redesigning Your Professional Development to Meet the Needs of the New, Better Normal

We can help you transform the landscape of learning through innovative instructional design and learner-centered strategies. Our professional learning specialists synthesize best practices from past, present, and emerging data and research. We incorporate the elements of meaningful and impactful professional development, including:

  • Active engagement by participants
  • Coached with reflection and feedback
  • Collaborative work with peers
  • Content-focused
  • Equity principles
  • Job-embedded
  • Sustained over a period of time

Along with tried and true models of learning:

Surface Learning

Surface learning is critical because it provides a foundation for educators to think more deeply about new practices.

Deep Learning

A cycle of “learn, employ, reflect, refine” of the latest practices, strategies and content is a key feature of this professional learning phase.

Transfer Learning

Lastly, educators are thinking metacognitively, reflecting on their own learning and understanding.


As a non-profit public service organization, CIESC is able to provide high-quality professional development at cost-effective pricing. Full-day professional learning (six hours) begins at $1300 per day. Discounts are available for Educational Service Center members.


Ultimately, our focus is on the students of Indiana and providing professional learning that is research-based, collaborative, reflection-oriented, and equitable. Through innovative and focused support for educators, we serve the future of our community. To see how we can help with custom professional development, reach out today.

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