The power & usefulness of picture books across grade levels is well documented. How do you figure out where to begin? #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Jennifer Stewart has a list to get you started!
Taking the time to pause & reflect on our WHY is not time wasted. Anna Cook dives into the importance of exploring our why and how it can impact our decisions each day.
The IN Learning Partnership is celebrating reading & literacy next week! Morgan Mason shares all they have planned.
How can we combine a puzzle and a pre-reading strategy that works across content areas?
Non-fiction text is often not what students gravitate to. How can we use it spark their curiosity & jump start the learning?
Where do you start a year in a STEM classroom? VirtuallyDifferent Coach Jennifer Stewart breaks it down into 3 steps.
Need some new ideas for your (or your children’s) summer reading list? The Lit Gals have some suggestions for you!
We live in a very visual world. How can we use images to activate our students’ curiosity and thinking?
This post finishes exploring the six shifts we can take to maximize our literacy instruction by keeping the science of reading and balanced literacy in mind.
Book talks are a great way to get kids excited about a book. Let’s look at 2 more ways to pique kids’ curiosity!